Diploma in Advanced Web Engineering
Benefits & Detail of
Advanced Web Engineering
This course will address issues associated with large-scale web application development including requirements, architectural design and documentation, server and client-side development technologies, and service-oriented computing technologies. After completion of this course, students will be able
● To analyze, architect and design comprehensive systems for the creation, dissemination, storage, retrieval, and use of electronic records.
● To use some of the development languages, frameworks and reusable services in order to manipulate information on the World Wide Web.
● To learn techniques and evaluation metrics for ensuring the proper operability, maintenance and security of a web application.
This course is suitable for those who want to learn Advanced Level Website development and Web Applications. It covers all the tools and techniques required for Front-end and Back-end developments.
Course Content Details
Introduction to Web Engineering
Introduction to Web: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, URL, Web Browser, Web Server, SMTP Server, ISP, Hyperlink, DNS
An Overview of HTML (Basic Tags)
Tables, Listings, Div, Span etc.
HTML5 forms, GET and POST data
Introduction to Cascading style sheets
Selectors, CSS Properties (Background, Font, Text properties)
CSS3 Properties (BOX model, Advance Selectors)Margins, Padding, Borders
Responsive Designs
User of Bootstrap
Introduction to Javascript, variables, loops, If statements, arrays, alert, confirm, prompt
Javascript THML element manipulation, functions, Javascript Mouse Events
Introduction to Jquery, Jquery Effect, and Jquery Examples
Introduction to Ajax, Ajax XMLhttp, Ajax Request, Ajax Response
Introduction to PHP
Variables, Loops, Conditions, Arrays
Associative Arrays Include Require, Cookies Functions
Developing Dynamic Content/Web page using PHP
GET, POST, Session, Cookies
Introduction to MySQL Database,
Database Connectivity Using PHP
Secure Login Area Management using Sessions
Read data from the Database
Insert Record into Database
Upload files using PHP
Edit Data from Database,
Delete Data from the database
Object Oriented Programming in PHP
Object Oriented PHP
Introduction to MVC Architecture
Laravel framework MVC Views in LARAVEL
MVC Routing
Static and Dynamic Routing
Route Parameters
Named Routes
Route Groups
Introduction to HTTP Middleware
MVC Migrations in LARAVEL
Generating Migrations / Migration Structure / Running Migrations
Rolling Back Migrations
Creating / Dropping Tables
Database Seeding in LARAVEL
Writing Seeder
Running Seeder
Introduction to Blade Templates
Creating Views in LARAVEL
Template Inheritance
Defining A Layout
Extending A Layout
Basic Usage
Passing Data To Views
Sharing Data With All Views
MVC Model & Controller in LARAVEL
Basic Controllers
Controller Middleware
CRUD Operation with LARAVEL
Web Services – RESTFUL and SOAP Services
Web Application Testing and Security