Benefits & Detail of

Social Media Marketing

All You Need To Know About SMM Course
Social media is powerful and those who can use it for their benefit are the ones successful today! But ask yourself, is it that easy to take over social media and use it to your advantage?

Certainly not unless you are a master at using all the social media marketing tools paired up with the right strategies that can formulate desired outcomes. But wait! If you aren’t good at it, it is time you enroll in an SMM course offered by the very competent SMM course experts in Lahore Pakistan at Real Web Ideas.

The SMM course training sessions conducted by the renowned SMM course trainers on our team give you in-depth knowledge of the tool and techniques that go into marketing your product/service right using multiple social media platforms.

Course Content Details​

SMM SMO Course Outline
Get yourself enrolled in the advanced digital marketing course

Introduction to Social Media Marketing
What is the Importance of Social Media
6 Most Important Social Network
The target of Social Media
Social Plans for Individual & For Business
What policies need to implement and what Don’t
What are the Target Audience & Objectives?
Competitive Analysis & Research
Profile Making & Insert Link
Join People & Relevant Group/Audience
People Engagement Strategy
Divert Traffic & Send Visitors to your Target Web Page
Social Media Integration on Your Website
Social Media Impact in SEO
Basics of Facebook
Account Creation
Best Image Sizes for Profile, Banners and Posts
Business Profile Page Creating
Group Creating
User Roles Assigning
Post Sharing Techniques
Paid Campaign
Types of Campaign
Page Promotion
Increase Post Reach
Get Website Traffic
Get more Messages
Get WhatsApp Messages
Get more Calls
Get more Engagements
Facebook Ad Manager
Basics of Twitter
Account Creation
Best Image Sizes for Profile, Banners
Following People and Building a Base of Followers
Adding Twitter Content
Twitter Trends
Basics of Pinterest
Account Creation
Creating Board
Creating Pins
Competitors Analysis
Building your Brand Exposure
Pinterest Adverts
Posting of Comments
Basics of LinkedIn
Creating LinkedIn Profile
Establishing an Effective LinkedIn Network
Page Creations
Paid Campaign
Account Set-up
What to post and how regularly
Instagram Images that Attract the Right Users
Instagram Etiquette
Finding your Target Market
Building your Followers
Dealing with Negative Comments
Maximizing Engagement
Trends, Keywords, Hashtags
Instagram Jargon (AKA, BRB, MYOB, BTW etc.)

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